L’affaire Krief, exemple d’antisémitisme d’Etat (version courte)
Spoliations de Français juifs : l’affaire Krief (version longue)
Spoliations de Français juifs : l’affaire Tanger
Foncia au coeur d'une nouvelle polémique aux relents antisémites (Affaire M.B., version courte)
Spoliations de Français juifs : l'affaire M. B. (version longue)
Foncia Paris compare trois de ses salariés aux Juifs dénoncés
Des fautes comptables de Foncia Paris ruineuses pour des Français juifs
Pétition contre la spoliation des Français juifs
Mon interview par Radio Chalom Nitsan le 18 février 2016 sur les Juifs actuellement spoliés, les migrants et l'attentat islamiste au Bataclan
Krief Affair, an example of French state-backed anti-Semitism
Foncia au coeur d'une nouvelle polémique aux relents antisémites (Affaire M.B., version courte)
Spoliations de Français juifs : l'affaire M. B. (version longue)
Foncia Paris compare trois de ses salariés aux Juifs dénoncés
Des fautes comptables de Foncia Paris ruineuses pour des Français juifs
Pétition contre la spoliation des Français juifs
Mon interview par Radio Chalom Nitsan le 18 février 2016 sur les Juifs actuellement spoliés, les migrants et l'attentat islamiste au Bataclan
Krief Affair, an example of French state-backed anti-Semitism

Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron as well as socialist former Prime minister Manuel Valls, have all proclaimed that mantra for more than a decade.
However, since Intifada II began (2000), France has led an undeclared, cruel and cupid war against its Jewish citizens.

Aired by State-owned France 2 TV on September 30, 2000, the controversial al-Dura report was an iconic missile in the media battlefield. A blood libel made by Pallywood.
The Krief affair illustrates the economic battlefield of that asymmetric warfare: French government of judges has been despoiling Jews.
Nuclear medicine
In 1996, Dr. Lionel Krief settled in
Compiègne, in the region of Picardy, part of the
new region Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, in order to work in a
Center of Advanced Medical Imagery (CIMA).
In 2000, he established a professional
partnership with Dr. Valérie Daneski: he held 75 % of the Company's (SCP)
shares. Dr. Krief managed a CIMA in
Compiègne, and the other one in Creil.
In Compiègne, the Company paid the rent
to its lessor, STS, a public limited-liability
company whose shareholders are Saint Côme clinic’s radiologists (85%) and
that clinic. The authorizations of heavy equipment are held by GIE-CIMA (Economic Interest Group, EIG), a private
public consortium which associated Saint Côme clinic and Compiègne
Dr. Krief had a personal, exclusive, intuitu personae contract of exercise
which stipulated its termination if he committed a “gross misconduct”.
In 2009, the two CIMA generated $ 8.807 million in turnover and reached $ 2.251
million in profit.
How did the Krief affair start?
First, Dr. Krief found out that STS alleged
a wrong area in order to get a higher rent: STS had doubled Compiègne CIMA’s
alleged area. In 2008, Dr. Krief succeeded in reducing the cost of rent in conformity with reality.
Second, in 2008, Dr. Krief announced a
scientific project: the exploitation of a revolutionary molecule to detect
Alzheimer’s disease within 10 to 15 years before the outbreak of the first
clinic symptoms, and the installation of cyclotrons in Picardy in order to
develop radioactive molecules, and distribute them throughout Europe. According to Dr. Krief, his project needed Creil and
Compiègne CIMA in order to initiate a profitable business. The health
and financial stakes were tremendous.
Third, in
2008, Dr. Daneski sought the Krief-Daneski Company’s judicial dissolution
because of dissensions of the partners. Judiciary administrator Me Denis Hazane
acted to the detriment of Dr. Krief.
Least, in 2009, Dr. Krief legally
replaced a gamma camera with a modern one, and sold the old one. The new gamma
camera never functioned because the Regional Health Agency (Agence régionale de
la santé, or ARS) of Picardy, which is a public
body responsible under the Health Minister ‘s supervision, refused to
carry out a site visit for compliance. STS pursued Dr. Krief before a Criminal
Court for breach of trust: it wrongly alleged it owned the old gamma camera.
STS and GIE CIMA sued him before a Civil Court for the termination of his
contract of exercise. The Criminal Court of Appeals dismissed the case, but the
Civil Court of Appeals confirmed the termination of the contract. Understand
that if you can!

In parallel, almost all public
administrations launched an offensive against Dr. Krief and his wife Rina: labour and occupational medicine’s inspections, personal and professional tax audits, 40 hours in police custody which was stopped due to the first sign of miscarriage, etc. Nothing illegal was found. France then spared multi-convicted anti-Semite comedian Dieudonné that administrative and judicial harassment.
About 85 trials have led to Dr. Krief’s socio-professional death. He had to sell out his home in order to pay his lawyers and discriminatory court sentences. For instance, the Court of Cassation is the highest court in the French judiciary. In June 18, 2014, its First Civil Chamber President Christian Charruault -- a Chamber specialized in despoilment -- rejected Dr. Krief’s two appeals and Me Hazane’s appeal. While Dr. Krief was sentenced to pay € 8,000 ($ 9,000) to the opposite parties for their court costs, Me Hazane wasn’t.

Whereas many legal proceedings were
investigated against the Kriefs, Dr. Krief’s complaints were never investigated
or were dismissed. Two examples.
Dr. Daneski was convinced that she
would recover the Centers because she “is a good Catholic woman”. She
“will make Dr. Krief a check to buy a one-way ticket so that he could leave for
Eilat.” She was never condemned for anti-Semitism.
In 2011, Dr. Krief lodged a complaint
against Vincent Vesselle, Saint Côme clinic director and GIE CIMA President, as well as Brigitte Duval, GIE
CIMA Vice President and Compiegne hospital director, for “illegal acquisition
of equity stakes.” Both are members of
regional public health commissions. That complaint also mentioned Compiègne
Mayor and then Senator Philippe Marini (Union for
a Popular Movement, center-right political party). In 2016, Judge
Aurore Masson dismissed the case.
Dr. Krief evoked a conspiracy against him and referred to a letter dated September 21 2011 from Maitre Baube, Dr. Daneski’s lawyer. All institutions, including judges, were well aware of this letter which stated: “CIE CIMA and STS company assured Mrs Daneski and her husband, who practise medicine in Saint-Come clinic, that Dr. Daneski would continue the activity of nuclear medicine within GIE CIMA as soon as she would manage to part with Dr. Krief… Being confident in all the guarantees she had been given, Dr. Daneski didn’t say a word in the proceeding initiated by CIE CIMA and STS company in order to put an end to the contract with Krief-Danesky company -- all the grievances developed by GIE CIMA and STS and judged valid by magistrates affected Dr. Krief, and not Dr. Daneski”.
A taboo
Dr. Krief evoked a conspiracy against him and referred to a letter dated September 21 2011 from Maitre Baube, Dr. Daneski’s lawyer. All institutions, including judges, were well aware of this letter which stated: “CIE CIMA and STS company assured Mrs Daneski and her husband, who practise medicine in Saint-Come clinic, that Dr. Daneski would continue the activity of nuclear medicine within GIE CIMA as soon as she would manage to part with Dr. Krief… Being confident in all the guarantees she had been given, Dr. Daneski didn’t say a word in the proceeding initiated by CIE CIMA and STS company in order to put an end to the contract with Krief-Danesky company -- all the grievances developed by GIE CIMA and STS and judged valid by magistrates affected Dr. Krief, and not Dr. Daneski”.
A taboo
Dr. Lionel Krief has
faced State-backed anti-Semitism, a reality which is a taboo topic. Since 2008, Right-center and Socialist
governments played a part in his worsening plight. This fact makes true the “UMPS”, a neologism forged by National Front in order to point out the sole entity constituted by UMP (former Les Républicains) and Socialist Party (PS), two main political parties sharing alleged identical opinions and policies.

In September 2012, Christelle Rennuit, who had supported Dr. Krief’s fight, unexpectedly died. During a debate about the health regional project at the Picardy Regional Council, socialist Regional Councillor Laurence Rossignol evoked her death and told Picardy ARS Director that the Krief file “does not, very honestly, smell good. We find in it elements of judicial harassment, of collusion, of economic interest and complaints for anti-Semitic words which have led the ARS, before you, to report. That report could offer solutions provided it is followed by effects, and someone… is decisive”. National Front Regional Councillor Michel Guiniot added in a stand for Dr. Krief: “There may be politico-financial” [factors]. I found quite immoral, hateful, that business of all kinds is done on the back of cancer patients… This case must be taken very seriously.” He invited Dubosq to resolve it.
A few weeks after, Laurence Rossignol, then socialist Secretary of State advised Dr. Krief by SMS to save himself “from this squalid affair… Sometimes, fleeing may be lifesaving”. Rossignol was Valls Governments’ minister (2014-2017).
The Krief affair points to many failures -- health authorities deprived for years patients suffering from serious diseases of a sophisticated gamma-camera --, as well as ministers and ministerial staffs’ inefficiency, unwillingness or cynicism.
This brings us to a first point: political correctness. Dr. Lionel Krief has faced essentially State-backed anti-Semitism, a shocking reality which is a taboo topic in France, especially among French Jewry’s leaders.
This brings us to a first point: political correctness. Dr. Lionel Krief has faced essentially State-backed anti-Semitism, a shocking reality which is a taboo topic in France, especially among French Jewry’s leaders.
France’s cupid assault has also despoiled Monica Waitzfelder (L'Oreal Took My Home: The Secrets Behind a Theft), and co-owners of appartments such as retired Eva Tanger and M.B. It has created Judenrein buildings and wandering Jews.
In 21st century, despoilment must be
reviewed in the light of France’s declines, age-old Jew-hatred and diplomacy.
Unreformable indebted France desperately needs
Jews’ money to relieve the debt burden to mask its politico-financial scandals and
its dramatic failures, as well as to nurture its political clientelism.

The meaning of the Krief Affair is that decaying France has thrown Jews
under the bus without any pity for its consequences, and in the hope “that
shitty little country Israel” (French ambassador Daniel Bernard) will fail to
integrate those miserable hundreds of thousands Jews. That State affair
also involves the Israeli state because Dr. Krief acquired Israeli citizenship,
and his wife is Israeli. Furthermore, ruined Dr Krief made his aliyah.
Coincidence? Main politicians involved
in the Krief Affaire took anti-Israel stances. Former socialist Minister of Justice Jean-Jacques Urvoas defended in 2015 boycott of Israeli products. His predecessor, Christiane Taubira (2012-2016), asserted in 2013 that boycott was a “militant act”, and during Operation Protective Edge, she tweeted about children killed in Gaza. Former Health minister since 2012, Marisol Touraine voiced for Franco-Palestinian terrorist Salah Hamouri. As lawmakers, Taubira, Touraine and former Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve signed in 2011 a parliamentary proposal of a motion inviting French government to act in favour of a UN recognition of a Palestinian State. In 1998, Roselyne Bachelot, former Health minister (2007-2010), participated in a meeting of the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC).
Result of decades of instrumentalization
by state authorities? Fear of attracting Government’s ire? Moral weakening?
Most French Jewish officials -- CRIF, French Jewish umbrella organization’s successive presidents Richard Prasquier, Roger Cukierman and Francis Kalifat, France Great Rabbi Haïm Korsia, the Society for the Health of the Jewish Population (today Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants-OSE), Association of Jewish physicians of France (AMIF)'s President Robert Haiat and General Secretary Bruno Halioua, United Jewish Social Foundation FSJU)'s vice-President Gil Taieb -- and intellectuals refused to help Dr. Krief, and contributed to maintaining secrecy on the reality.
The worst of it is that they prevented
any help from Diaspora Jewry. ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and AJC (American Jewish Committee) refused to help Dr Krief.
In stark contrast, Joel Mergui, Paris-based Jewish Consistory of France’s President, a body that oversees a majority of Jewish congregations, as well as founder of National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) and retired police commissioner Sammy Ghozlan advocated for Dr Krief, especially in cabinets. Mergui and Ghozlan were inefficient.
Main declining French Jewish medias have refused to evoke the Krief Affair and have maintained omerta. A taboo topic also for national French medias. On November 2, 2017, daily newspaper Israel HaYom published Israeli journalist Eldad Beck's in-depth article, in hebrew, revealing that antisemitic State-scandal.
In stark contrast, Joel Mergui, Paris-based Jewish Consistory of France’s President, a body that oversees a majority of Jewish congregations, as well as founder of National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) and retired police commissioner Sammy Ghozlan advocated for Dr Krief, especially in cabinets. Mergui and Ghozlan were inefficient.
Main declining French Jewish medias have refused to evoke the Krief Affair and have maintained omerta. A taboo topic also for national French medias. On November 2, 2017, daily newspaper Israel HaYom published Israeli journalist Eldad Beck's in-depth article, in hebrew, revealing that antisemitic State-scandal.
Thus, shrinking French
Jewry has no one to defend it victoriously. This reflects the French Jewish condition's collapse and leaves French Jews
in a particularly vulnerable spot, depending on political authorities’ good
will or bad will.
And this will accelerate their exodus,
as poor as Job.
Needless to say, French Jewry faces a huge unchallenged problem that must be surmounted
at very short term.
Persons whose names
appear in the article, didn’t respond to a request for comment, answered they
were awaiting verdicts to come in pending litigations or kicked into touch.
Articles sur ce blog concernant :
Articles in English
That article was published on July 4, 2016, November 21, 2017 and on April 17, 2018.
That article was published on July 4, 2016, November 21, 2017 and on April 17, 2018.
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